07 July 2012

Day 7: Book it!

Ok, so I’m only 4 posts behind, I can catch up…right? Well hopefully I can, I am going to spend the next hour doing all 4 blog entries that I need to do to catch up. Hang in there!

Prompt 7 for the 15 day challenge reads:

[Day 7]: Recommend a book for us to read. Why do you think it’s important?


I don’t think there are any books that I’ve read that I find crucially important. I have read books that I have loved and could happily read numerous times (Harry Potter, I’m looking at you), there are books I’ve read that I really liked but don’t need to read again and of course there are books that I hated and will probably never pick up again. So I think in order to answer this question, I’m just going to discuss some of my favourite books that are happily homed in my book collection. Because I’m a literature student, I have more books than I need, but hopefully I can select a few authors or specific books to list for everyone and explain why I like them so much! In no particular order here they are:

The first real author I got into after JK Rowling was Jodi Picoult. Obviously the difference being that at the time JK Rowling was for a younger generation where as Jodi Picoult was aiming for an older audience. I had read various other books between my Harry Potter phase and Jodi Picoults books, but she was the first author that I felt the need to read more than one of her books. I bought one, then I bought another and then I kept my eye out for “2 for 1” sales and so forth just so I could stock up on her books. The first book I read of hers was Nineteen Minutes and I fell in love with it, it was twisted, it was different, the story line wasn’t as clear cut as I expected in the beginning and it’s basically the book that got me hooked, from there I moved on to My Sister’s Keep, Salem Falls, The Pact, Plain Truth and so on. I recently just bought another book by Picoult and her Daughter called Between the Lines, I plan on getting through it tonight after I finish my blogs!

I’m a literature student, so naturally I’m required to read A LOT of books. We are often expected to read mammoth sized books in record time which leaves me missing out on facts and details than normal, relaxed reading, would allow me to pick up on. However, when I picked up Dubliners by James Joyce, I couldn’t put it down. It irritated me. I’m not kidding, I hated it, until I finished it. This is a bunch of short stories which offers GLIMPSES into other peoples lives, so you might not read about where these people came from, or what happens at the end of their tale, but you get to see into their lives for a moment and that’s really irritating. With stories, you expect a beginning, middle and an end, but with these little glimpses, you don’t get the whole story and while that annoyed me, in the end it’s what got me so addicted. I might not know what happened to the characters in the end, but in the end, that doesn’t matter.

Mary Janice Davidson is the other author I got hooked on for a while, because her books are funny and different; very light hearted and easy to read. The main books I like from her are the Undead series, which is basically about a young woman who has to cope with her new life as Queen of the vampires. I got hooked on these books when a lot of my friends were getting hooked on True Blood and The Vampire diaries. I have never gotten into True Blood or The Vampire diaries, I like vampire stories but I just, didn’t click with them. When I picked up my first Undead book, I didn’t read the first book, I think I read the 3rd or 4th book first and then went back and read all the other stories just because it was different. It wasn’t so dark and eerie it was funny and romantic while being somewhat feminist and not so feminist, it was just a jumble of comedy and I think I should go find out what books I’ve missed from that series because they were really entertaining!

Life of Love

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