14 July 2012

Day Fourteen: Hit Repeat!

[Day 14]: If you were only allowed to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what movie would it be and why?

Easy. The Lion King.

What’s not to love about this movie?

  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Simba
  • Rowan Atkinson as Zazu
  • The deep enchanting voice of James Earl Jones as Mufasa
  • Whoopi Goldberg as Shenzi


  • The upbeat music
  • “Hakuna Matata…What a wonderful Phrase” – it shaped my childhood!
  • “Home is where your rump rests”
  • Zazu singing “it’s a small world after all” and then “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts”
  • “Whats a motto?” “Nothing, What’s a motto with you?”


I really have to go watch this movie again!


  1. Best answer ever. I approve completely. I quote this movie more than is healthy for a 25-year-old woman.

    "Follow old Rafiki, he knows the way!"


    1. In the Lion King 3 (Or Lion King 1 and a 1/2 as it's better known) Rafiki tells Timon to "Look beyond what you see" and that has seriously stuck in my brain ever since I heard it. Rafiki is very wise lol

      Not only was the music awesome, but the script was awesome too...definitely can't beat it.


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