It had completely slipped my mind but I should inform everyone that I am currently writing over at Diary of The Socially Awkward Introvert. Sorry for any inconvenience!
25 June 2014
05 September 2013
Celebrity Crushes #2
Welcome back to another “Celebrity Crush” post. Today’s theme: Celebrity Crushes that I can’t explain and people are going think are completely bizarre.
In other words: Celebrity Crushes that I probably shouldn’t have!
No seriously, if you thought my celebrity crushes of the 90’s were bad, these are a whole new level of bad.
Let the judging begin!
So, that’s my list of celebrities I probably should have a crush on, but I do. Seriously, think about it, there’s probably a celebrity you have a crush on that people think is slightly bizarre. It’s reality, not everyone is going to have the same taste as me and I’m perfectly fine with that!
02 September 2013
Book Review: Dracula

Blurb on the Back:
“My very feelings change to repulsion and terror when I saw the whole man slowly emerge from the window and begin to crawl down the castle wall over the dreadful abyss, face down, with his cloak spreading out around him like great wings”
And then a whole bunch of historical information about Bram Stoker and the books which influenced him…should have been insight into what I was getting myself into really; the font size on the back is only barely legible (it’s so small!) and I have 20/20 vision.
My thoughts:
So. Dracula hey.
What a book…What.A.Book.
Where do I begin with this book?
What can I say about this book?
What. Can. I. Say.
Dracula, for all those who don’t know, is/was a book written by Bram Stoker around 1897 or thereabouts. As the blurb says on the back, it wasn’t the first of it’s kind and there were books of a similar theme running rampant around that time, this book was just the bee’s knee’s of the genre.
Which makes me really concerned for what the other books were like because ugg.
I’m just going to come out and say it. I didn’t love Dracula. I didn’t like it. I don’t know why I didn’t give up about 3 months into reading it because I clearly wasn’t enjoying it. But no. I’m stubborn and insist on persevering.
I like the story generally speaking, I’m sick of all this glittery vampire trash that’s going around, I like the good old days when vampires were murderous villains of the night! For some parts of the book, which I often read late at night, I was genuinely checking behind doors and jumping at my own shadow but this eventually stopped because what was originally anticipation for a fabulous classic novel turned into sheer boredom and a strong desire for the book to hurry up and end.
Unfortunately it became one those books where I started skipping over paragraphs because I was so over whatever was going on in that moment. I was bored.
I persevered, I don’t know why, maybe because I highly value classic books (regardless of how boring they are) and I want to appreciate written literature from authors who are long passed dead. I don’t know. But I finally finished the book, I feel a slightly sense of accomplishment, but for the most part – it took me 8 months to force myself through that book and books should never take 8 months to read!